I would like to congratulate Team IronMan (Code name forever will be) on achieving something us mere mortals will always strive to become. Maybe one day I will also have the same pride when passing through the finish line. Maybe.
I know it is a little late to say congrats and all, but I would like to immortalize that moment on my blog. You guys are no longer mere half crazy dudes chasing a dream, but demi gods who have proven that with willpower, sweat and effort will make the most profound dreams into a reality. To the other Bruneians who were in the Aviva IronMan 70.3 Singapore 2011, I say "WOW!" You guys should earn a "Dato" title like they give to Malaysians who did something.
I am envious, in a way, and I use this as a target for myself. I aim to attempt the same feat. May it be in two or three years. The respect I have for you guys is immense and everything is now a strive to catch up. Thanks for showing us that even we, Bruneians, can do what others are afraid to do. :)
Tn Pg Azizul's Time sheet

Tn Sharif's Time sheet

JJ's Time sheet

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