
Sport: Cycling

Having a ceremonial roti after an easy ride with the guys. A distance of 30.7 kilometers covered, with an average of 25.5 km/hr. Heart Rate was in the fat burning zone at an average of 134 beats per minute.

This is a fun ride for me. I enjoyed it very much. The route that we rode was from JP - Tutong Muara Highway - Tungkulink Road - Rimba Airbase - Muara Tutong Highway (Lambak Kiri Exit) - JP. We started at around 0740 in the morning and finished a little over 0900. As I said, a fun ride it was, with abit of a hiccup here and there.

An incident occured with Faizin getting scraped after taking a spill. His bike is fine with a bent left shifter. He claimed that he was fine with no injury to his ego. Haha, no harm Izin... The story went like this, on the return route back (on the Muara Tutong Highway) Faizin had sprinted forward ahead of the group, and knowing that we need to keep an eye out for each other, I tried to catch up with him. On the smaller bridge at Jerudong (the on with pipelines underneath), his bike got caught and he fell. Amazingly, he was fine with some scrapes. As the saying goes, any ride that you can walk away from is a good one.

- Blog Press for iPhone

Location:Simpang 153,Rancangan Perumahan Negara Lambak Kanan,Brunei Darussalam

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