
Rant: Recruitment and Retention

A study was done on these two topics.these two work well hand in hand, but through unknown circumstances, everything is in a sorry state.

Recruitment. It is the process of acquiring a size of work force that will enable us to work progressively.

Retention. It is the process of keeping the existing workforce to stay in employment as long as possible.

The study works mostly on the HRM, the Human Resource Mangement. They acknowledge the fact that the number of entrees is not sustainable against the number of retirees. In this form of acknowledgement, they attempted to address the issue.

What do I think of this? I think we need to think of the action that we have done in the past and try implement measures to "cure" and prevent a detrimental pattern to form up... :)

- Blog Press for iPad

Location:Jalan Kumbang Pasang,Bandar Seri Begawan,Brunei Darussalam

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