
Rant: Traffic Jams

"why do they name the period of time with minimal vehicular movement as rush hour?"

This is probably due to the fact that it is the time that everyone gets up and goes to work (in the morning) or home (in the afternoon). In some instances, there are places that have no movement for a long time. It is not that I am not grateful for living in Brunei, where the traffic is not that extreme. But I feel that a traffic jam is frustrating, just as well.

Coming onto the topic, traffic jams are not just caused by the sudden mass urge to pack up and go home, but even becoming a bystander can cause traffic jams. Yes, I meant the events of an accident. More often than not, the accident has been moved off the road pretty quickly. What happens after that is catastrophic. People in Brunei are extremely curious people. They love to get information, regardless whether the information is useful or not. So when an accident occurs, it is like they must memorize the cars involved, who hit who, licence plate numbers, male or female driver, etsetera...

I am not saying that I am not curious myself, but a quick glance would suffice my thirst for knowledge. There would even be people who would gawk at the scene. Making their own critique on how the accident occured and whether which is the guilty party.

Moving on from accidents, we come to another behaviour of Bruneians that I am not so proud of. The feeling that we are the only ones in a hurry. I am not sure how others see themselves in a traffic jam situation, but I would often see people with ugly behavioural patterns during traffic jams. Overtaking using the road shoulder and forcing their way onto the other lane.

I guess that is enough of my ranting for the time being. Until I get another idea on what to criticize, this is my rant.

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