
Rest Day

Today is a rest day for me. This meant that I did not do any form of sporting activity what so ever today.

So, what did I do today? Well, I accompanied my wife for her ante-natal appointment. She is five months pregnant and today is the day we hoped to see the baby's gender. Turns out that the baby is shy and did not show much. Haha. That is fine, as long as I know that he or she is fine and healthy.

In the afternoon, I tried to settle up what seems to be a problem with the rugby players. Being the adhoc manager of the rugby team and all, I needed to sort out some problems. even now, there are some problems that seem to be slightly difficult to handle.

Eventually, I need to sort everything out. As for sports, I hope tomorrow would be a good day. Planning to go for a swim in the morning and a cycle in the afternoon, what do you guys think?

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