... and a sprint ride in the afternoon. That is how I could sum up the day.
I woke up pretty early today. Probably due to the fact that I had to get to Lumut before morning parade, which is at 0700, and the fact that I could not be in Lumut last night due to bad weather.
Once parade was over, I felt it would do disservice if I were to do egyptian pt instead of exercizing. So I went to the track and started ru-err.. jogging. I am quite amazed with the endurance that has built up in me and I went for the full 3.2k. I did not really time myself but I am just as pleased with my conditioning.
First, I lost 8 kilos in 3 months, now I can run further. This is a good start to my year. Sadly, I am not happy with the exhaustion that came after my run. Where was the Runner's High that everyone was talking about? I have tasted and now crave for the Cycler's High, and soon I would like to taste the Runner's High as well as the Swimmer's Rush.
To cut my day short, I was stuck in a meeting until 1740, and I knew that I would not be able to take a proper ride today. I figured that I should just go to the gym and do some muscle endurance training, especially for my triceps (stronger triceps will help in swimming).
Just then, Faizin called me and planned a ride. Since the sky was grey and we did not have a lot of light to ride with, we went for a sprint. Pleased with my speed and tenacity. I remember Tn Moza once said, "getting up to and above 35km/hr is easy, maintaining it is a b*tch" Word. I agree with him entirely, my legs felt like they were going to fall off, and this was me riding at 38 km/hr for 6 mins. Oh well, I will definitely improve. no, correction. I MUST improve... Hehe
To end it in a jiff, I would like to point out that I am extremely happy with my fitness currently. A 3 month old cyclist with my level of ride... I just need to pedal more and chase after the benchmark. What benchmark? The benchmark that was set by my friend, JJ Samid.