
Sport: Swim

Went for swim training in the morning. I realize it now. I have to keep training and maintain a good eating habit in order for my main aim to be accomplished. I set a goal to lose 10 kilos in the first half of the year, and atleast another 5 to 8 kilos by the end of this year.

Swimming. I know how to swim, but I do not know how to swim efficiently or go for a distance. The stroke in mention is the freestyle. *sigh* Sometimes, it needs effort and practice to something that we want to achieve. As i said in a previous post, I am able to swim 100 meters safely now.

I do not think I want to mix and match freestyle and breast stroke for a triathlon, and I do think that doing so will only burn me out sooner than later.

Keeping in mind with my aims. Lose around 15 to 18 kilos this year, and be able to participate in a triathlon. Seems realistic does it not? Well, we will have to see soon enough. :)

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