
Rant: My Objective

Some would say it is a new year's resolution. Some would say it is turning over a new leaf. I can not regard what I am currently undertaking as anything that I have just typed out. I am currently into my regime of fitness training started on 1 January 2011, and hopefully will be on-going for quite some time.

Why I placed this post under a rant, is probably the fact that I need to have a place to keep my objectives seen. So I will not forget the reason of WHY I am doing these things.

The year 2010 was a very sad year for myself. I was unfit and more often than not, in a bad situation with my career. I was going no where.

I believe that I have Ashady to thank for the "shove" in the right direction. We had a cycling expedition on 1 January 2011. It was from Tutong Camp to Serasa Watermanship. I seriously doubted my ability in being able to cycle that far a distance. I proved myself wrong and it was amazing.

Cycling was my introduction back into the world of getting fit and healthy. I was bitten by the cycling bug, bitten bad. I started to cycle almost everyday and I found that one and a half months later, I was showing progress in losing kilos off my weight.

Another person I would like to thank would be The Boss. With every time we would have a ride, the encouragement to keep going and excel in my fitness training was excellent. I enjoy fitness, a surprise to who I was the previous year.

My cycling improved, and I thought I might even give triathlon a try. Here comes several influential people into the foray. First and foremost would be my wife. Her undivided support for my training is something I could never repay. I love her to bits. Then are the training group. This consist of Tn Fakhrul, Tn Amirul, Tn Alimin, Iron Coach Jay, Tn Pak Richard, and several others. It is an overwhelming feeling when you have the unlimited support from people.

So I started to train my swimming. It was awful. I can swim, but I am barely able to swim freestyle for a short distance. I believe the following person has been a great impact on my life as well. Tn Zul is definitely someone I look up to. He has been swimming for some time now, and has been getting me to go to the pool to swim as well as getting me to accompany him on runs.

I doubt that I am any faster than I used to be, but that is not my main aim. My aim is Operation Sven T-5. If read, I guess the meaning explains itself. I aim to be 75 kilos by the end of the year. With that goal I hope to be a fitter person than I was the same time last year or two years ago.

The only hurdle in my training is dieting. I have a huge problem because I can be considered as a semi-glutton. Food in Brunei is extremely delicious and I seem to be having problems in staying away from it. Haha. I guess I need more self control soon.

I am putting words here, so I can remind myself. I hope this post will help me further in the days ahead. :)

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